Increase your chances of a quick sale while increasing the value of your home by as much as 15%-20% by giving your existing landscaping a distinctive fresh, new, clean look. Create more visual interest in your landscaping by adding new color schemes and constructing focal points to direct the eye into that particular area. Discover ways to enhance curb appeal through the art of great landscaping.

In seeking curb appeal, a starting point for both front and back yard makeovers is to understand the basic elements of landscape design, beginning with harmony, followed by colors, textures, form, and focalization.

By first establishing harmony, one creates a balance between the home and the environment that surrounds without disturbing the natural balance. By using rocks or concrete landscape curbing one can create an interesting design that will appeal to the viewer (or buyer) from the curb, which is vital since one wants to ‘draw’ the interest in from the buyer using good design.

Color is another essential element to a great landscape. Proper application of flowering plants can influence the mood set in the landscape. For example, warmer colors such as yellows, oranges, and reds can excite the viewer (or buyer). A color such as red would be an excellent focal point in this instance. Cooler colors such as blues, periwinkles, and greens typically relax the viewer (buyer). Cooler colors are a logical choice then for a garden such as a meditative garden. Whichever color scheme that is chosen, it’s important to achieve unity with color and to be sure to match warm colors to warm colors, and cool colors to cool colors.

Textures and form are an integral part of design as well and will also be another critical element in great landscape design.  Pairing different textures and heights of plants and shrubs creates visual interest, again drawing the viewers (buyers) eye to the property which offers more curb appeal. Mixing different plant textures in a great landscape also avoids monotony.

Consider a focal point in your great landscape such as a well-executed water feature, or tasteful sculpture which can set your property apart from the rest.

And finally, remember that potential buyers may not have the same taste that you, the seller has but one thing both buyers and sellers do share is that they follow the latest in trends. Those looking to buy a home seek a home with attractive, low maintenance landscaping, an accent or focal point, and one with visual year-round interest. Follow these tips on a great landscape design and your home could be on its way to a quick sale.


Posted by Dylan Taft on


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