Sales Up, Prices Down? - 2012 Ulster County NY Real Estate Market Report
Posted by Dylan Taft on
Sales Up, Prices Down? - 2012 Ulster County NY Real Estate Market Report
As we approach the end of the month and the end of the year, I thought I'd take some time to see how the market is really shaking out here in Ulster County, NY. Of course there will be some additional sales in the last few weeks of December, but for the most part, I think there is enough data here for the year 2012 that we can poke around and see where things will most likely end up. Plus, I think this little analysis will provide some context as buyers and sellers plan out their strategy heading into 2013. So let me share with you some of the stats I just pulled and what I think they mean. If you're planning to buy or sell in Ulster County over the next 3-6 months, let's talk! We…
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