June can tend to be a busy month for a lot of people; between getting into summer mode, end of year school activities, graduations, summer camps starting, vacations, weddings, and can’t forget Father’s Day on June 17th... the month that we associate with the official start of summer can typically find calendars a bit frenzied. If you’re so lucky to find some time to yourself on weekends, you’ll find the Hudson Valley and Catskills too have packed calendars of great events for you to get out and enjoy! 

Whether you’re looking for a relaxed day by the pool, or an afternoon or evening of good food, drinks and festival memories, the summer in Ulster County, NY is just kicking off!

Ready to dive-in and have some fun this weekend?

Here’s some of…

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It’s beginning to finally feel like spring after what seemed like a never-ending winter! Trees are blossoming and the early spring tulips, daffodils and hyacinths are finally giving color to our yards after seeing so much of the white stuff for so long now. Here in the Hudson Valley, with the warmer weather, comes an abundance of events to give us a little break, keep our weekends busy and break us out of this past season’s extended winter hibernation.

Now that May has arrived, and with Memorial Day’s official kick-off of summer only a few short weeks away, there is plenty to fill our calendars with! Can’t forget that May 13th is Mother’s Day- but we’re covered there with some great events and things to do that Mom is sure to love too!

Ready to…

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