Tip and advice on financing.

10 Reasons to Buy Now | Hudson Valley Real Estate Blog

Reasons to buy Ulster County real estateYou’ve probably heard by now that it’s a buyer’s market with Hudson Valley real estate. Well that’s true. In fact, Taft Street Realty believes that now may be one of the best times in recent history to purchase a home for sale. There are a number of different factors that when combined, create an ideal buyer's market currently happening right now! In this latest blog post, Taft Street will break down the 10 reasons to buy Hudson valley real estate, now!

Lending Criteria Easing?

So far in 2013 it looks like lending institutions are easing the qualification criteria for mortgages. We've experienced the boom days, where anyone with a pulse could get a loan, and the bust days, where banks wanted to…

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real estate tips for buyersOnce you have made the decision to begin looking for homes on the Ulster County real estate market there are certain things you should definitely know first to avoid added stress and complications down the road. At Taft Street Realty, we protect our buyers and make every effort to give them all the tools and resources they need as they begin their house hunting journey, wherever it may be in the Hudson Valley region of Upstate New York. Although we focus primarily on the Ulster County NY home search, we know our tips and advice will help buyers pretty much anywhere! So without any further delay, here are 5 MUST KNOW tips for homebuyers and yet another Ulster County real state blog post authored by Taft Street Realty! Enjoy!

Loan Programs 101 | Pros…

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taft_logoThere is a strong connection between Ulster County NY real estate and the housing market down in New York City. A large (and growing) number of buyers looking for homes for sale in Ulster County are New Yorkers. As noted recently in the New York Times, rents in Manhattan have reached an all time high, leaving many New Yorkers to wonder if now is the time to leave the city for good. Living in Ulster County, you can have the best of both worlds; that is, if you're qualified. Though it remains one of the best times in recent memory to buy real estate, it is also one of the toughest times to secure a mortgage. So people may want to get out of that lease, but just can't get a loan to buy their own place. With less people able to buy, can the rent just keep…

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calculatorWhen buying real estate for sale in Ulster County, NY, one of the most crucial phases is securing the financing and getting pre-qualified. If a buyer is going to make a formal offer on a home, it is usually customary for the purchaser to submit a pre-approval letter, which is provided by a lender, and is an assurance to the seller that the buyer can afford the home; thus making it a stronger, more reliable offer. Sometimes buyers aren't aware that securing the financing is actually one of the first steps to take when starting a home search. I makes perfect sense however, that buyers should really know their budget before viewing properties; and it is only fair to the seller (and the buyer's agent for that matter!) that buyers view (and potentially make…

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Each month, the government issues a stipend to active duty military personnel stationed in the United States to alleviate the cost of housing. This stipend is known as Basic Allowance for Housing, or BAH, and is dictated by a service member's rank, geography, and number of dependents.

How Does the Government Determine BAH?

The greatest determinate of Basic Allowance for Housing is location. The government carefully reviews data sources and rental listings, and even interviews real estate agents to calculate the proper Basic Allowance of Housing for service members. The government's releases BAH rates once a year, usually in January, and even if a service member who is currently receiving BAH notices that their rank's BAH has decreased, their current…

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There is a backlog of hundreds of thousands of mortgage modifications and thousands more get submitted each day. Along with those applications, for thousands of honest and hard-working Americans go the best hopes of keeping their homes. So, getting the applications done right is a very important matter. Still, many...maybe even most of applicants who review their application with me before they submit it make mistakes in that section of the application. They get their own income wrong!

1. Include the correct income. Include the income from the folks signed on the loan. All other household income need only be included if you choose. Even if your spouse or partner or parents or kids contribute to the household income...just include their income if you need it…

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What is a VA Loan?

The VA Home Loan Guaranty Program, better known as a VA Loan, is offered through lenders and backed by the Department of Veteran Affairs. Most veterans and active military men and women can get one, and the loan can be used to purchase, build or improve a home.

Some of the most recognized benefits of the loan include no down payment, no private mortgage insurance and easier qualification standards.

Who is Eligible?

You are eligible if you have served:

  • For at least 181 days during peacetime (active duty)
  • For at least 90 days during war time (active duty)
  • In the National Guard or Reserves for at least 6 years
  • You are also eligible if your spouse died while serving in the line of duty

There are other…

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